Workshop facilitation & Consultant

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A peak into my process and work in progress

New Year, New Path, New...

Tonight is the last night of 2010 and there are so many things and changes that have happened in the last 525,600 minutes. I know, if you are thinking of the play "Rent" you are right. But I have to say that they do make a good point; how do you measure a year in the life? Well, for me it's been a year of both sweet and sour moments, and I've always been the kind of person that looks at the bright side of life. In this past year I grew up both as a human in my personal development and my professional work also suffered some positive changes, as I attended the Digital Design Program at the Vancouver Film School which provided a huge amount of knowledge which helped me become a better designer. I also passed the Adobe Certification Expert exam in After Effects CS4 which is more of a personal accomplishment as I do love the technical aspect of the whole design process.

We are just a few hours away from 2011 and as fast as the last 525,600 minutes passed, the next ones are about to start. And with this, a new job, new adventures and challenges that need to be tackled with both everyday knowledge and professional skills. What will 2011 bring for you? New jobs, new friends, new places? As long as we see the bright side of everything we do and we do it with joy and passion, my guess is that 2011 will be better in many different levels. I do, however, have a question for you... What do you plan to accomplish in the next 525,600 minutes of your life? And how will you measure those accomplishments?

Happy 2011! And as an old saying tells. "May misfortune always follow you, but never catch up". I hope you'll fulfill all of your dreams, and may your year be full of good things, blessings and joy! I know that from my side, I'll do my best to do things the right way and I'll go on this beautiful path walking with the head up high, always walking and learning; a new step every day, a new lesson every time.

And as always. I hope you Enjoy...

OthersEzra Istiroti