Some thoughts on time and projects...
Well, Term 4 is about to finish and I haven't upload much to my blog actually. Time has been flying so fast we haven't had time to enjoy what this term had to offer. So here are some thought about this last term, more of a recap than anything else... This term we were able to pick some elective courses which was something new to us... at least new at VFS were we got our schedules with all the courses as mandatory ones. This gave us the opportunity to get more into details about what we wanted to do.
Also, in this term we had to pitch the idea for our final project, which in my case, I want to create 2 commercial videos for a branding project. The Idea is to create a compelling content using the new image I'm creating for a very know school in NYC. Of course, this is only a theoretical project and is not something they asked or wanted, but they have been really helpful and open to this new ideas. Although they have agreed to let me use their name to create this theoretical scenario, I rather not state their name yet... at least not until I have the release form and/or I'm done with this project.In which case I'll present it to them to see their opinion.
On other subjects such as the Motion Design course, they gave us six different movies or projects that are in a development stage for which we had to create the title sequence... So stay tuned to see the final results. Here's an image for you to see on how the sequence is coming along so far. I still have to finish the color correction and treatment; but the Idea is there.
Finally, after pitching our ideas in front of several teachers and mentors, they decided who they are going to work with. We've been waiting for almost a week to know who our advisors are, and some information was leaking over the week, so we knew who was mentoring whom. Today I found who my mentor is, and I have to say that I'm really happy with him, as I know I can learn a lot from him... so I hope my final project is gonna be as good as I have it on my mind.
Well... I'll keep posting more often, but for now... I hope you Enjoy.