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A peak into my process and work in progress

Slam Nov. 09

On friday November the 20th we had our Slam at VFS, which it was actually my first slam.The idea is to get all of Digital Design Students to work together on a project that was hended in by 9:00 Am. and we had to deliver our first pitch one hour later and the final project 8 hours later. So by 5:00 Pm we had to finish all of the project.

The task was to create a series of playing cards made for designers to help them be more creative if they found any creative block.

Here is the final outcome of team Bubble Maker for this Slam.

The cards were divided in four categories for the four main Adobe Software. each card has an activity to stimulate your brain and get you away from the computer. Also, the backs of the card, when combined, create a vector graphic, a photograph, a working Action Script 3.0 code and a flip book style frames animation. The four "joker" cards represent the software they talk about and on the back of the jokers you can find useful links to help, tutorials and even information to become an Adobe Certificate User.

The compression for this file was huge so the images don't look as good as the original file and if you want to see the original file you can watch it by clicking here.

I want to thank the Bubble maker team for this amazing experience.

As always, I hope you Enjoy...

[kml_flashembed publishmethod="static" fversion="10.0.0" movie="flash/FlipBook.swf" width="500" height="350" targetclass="flashmovie"]

Get Adobe Flash player


Image, VFSEzra Istiroti